Madhu has Vranaropak properties as per the principles of the sixty Upakramas of Vrana management described in the Sushruta Samhita. Madhu is believed to act by ‘pacifying’ the three vitiated Doshas, i.e,. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha by
multiple actions attributable to its Madhura (sweet) Rasa, Kashaya (astringent) Uparasa, Ruksha (dry) Guna, Sheeta (cold) Virya, Madhura Vipaka, and Sukshma Marga Anusari (ability to permeate in microchannels) Prabhava. Madhura Rasa gives nutrition to the tissue, which helps in granulation tissue formation, while Kashaya Rasa provides Lekhana (scraping) that helps in desloughing, preparing the wound for healing. Thus, Madhu has excellent properties to heal the wound by virtue of its Sodhana (purification), Ropana (healing), and Sandhana (union) actions.
multiple actions attributable to its Madhura (sweet) Rasa, Kashaya (astringent) Uparasa, Ruksha (dry) Guna, Sheeta (cold) Virya, Madhura Vipaka, and Sukshma Marga Anusari (ability to permeate in microchannels) Prabhava. Madhura Rasa gives nutrition to the tissue, which helps in granulation tissue formation, while Kashaya Rasa provides Lekhana (scraping) that helps in desloughing, preparing the wound for healing. Thus, Madhu has excellent properties to heal the wound by virtue of its Sodhana (purification), Ropana (healing), and Sandhana (union) actions.
एक टिप्पणी भेजें